Chrysti the Wordsmith admires and appreciates these resources. So will you.

Online Resources
A Way With Words
Dr. Mardy Grothe’s Chiasmus
Loanwords in English
Stack Exchange: English Language and Usage
The Online Slang Dictionary
The Phrase Finder
Favorite Reads
Ammer, Christine
The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms, Houghton Mifflin, New York
Ayto, John
Dictionary of Word Origins, Arcade Publishing, New York
Ayto, John
20th Century Words, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
Barnhart, Robert K., Ed.
The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology, The H.W. Wilson Co.
Byrne, Josefa Heifetz
Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary, University Books, Inc., Secaucus, NJ
Crystal, David
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge Univ. Press
Hanks and Hodges
A Dictionary of Surnames, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
Hendrickson, Robert
The Facts on File Word and Phrase Origins, Facts on File, Inc., New York
Manser, Martin H.
Dictionary of Classical and Biblical Allusions, Checkmark Books
Mills, Jane
Womanwords: A Dictionary of Words About Women, The Free Press, NY
Rawson, Hugh
Wicked Words, Crown Publishers, New York
Rosten, Leo
The New Joys of Yiddish, Three Rivers Press, New York
Tuleja, Tad
Marvelous Monikers, Harmony Books, New York
White, Robert
An Avalanche of Anoraks, Crown Trade Paperbacks, New York
Webber, Elizabeth and Mike Feinsilber
Dictionary of Allusions, Merriam-Webster, Inc., Springfield, MA
Wentworth and S.B. Flexner, Eds.
Dictionary of American Slang, Thomas Y. Crowell, New York